Adam has been ADOPTED!
Originally, Adam was to spend a couple of nights with us during the floor rehab at the Franklin County Dog shelter. Well… It has now been 9 days! Needless to say, after Adam’s company for a couple of days, we could not bring ourselves to take him back to the Dog Shelter. We are now fostering Adam AND are looking for a good “FOREVER HOME” for him. Adam has been nothing but the perfect house guest. He is completely house trained. I say completely, because not only has there been zero accidents, but , he has been forced outside on rainy days after holding it for 12 hours. He has free roam of the house with no mischief. That is not to say that he is not curious! Adam loves to follow you around peaking into every door you open, sniffing all things picked up. He is very eager to discover the world. Looking out the windows, hanging in the courtyard and walking the neighborhood all rank high on his list of favorites. Not to mention napping in the sun - which is where he spends most of his day.
I would classify Adam as a medium energy/laid back dog. He likes to go for walks, chew bones and play a little in the house (mostly by himself or with Strauss). H e is not at your heels begging to play. He may be at your side for company and your hand for pets but not for entertainment.
I haven’t met a dog that likes to lay on their back as much as he - during play with Strauss, while playing with his toys (by himself) or to grab a pet (big belly rub lover). He is not aggressive with his food nor toys, although, he has a big BARK. He lets people know he is in the house but does not carry on. He knows sit and down but needs to work on all his general commands. (Sit, down, stay, come). He is NOT off leash trained. Adam is very smart and eager to please (might be a little timid due to past training techniques) but just needs a little consistency. He sleeps in his dog bed at night and has taken to Strauss’s sleeping schedule – you have to wake them both in the morning. It is obvious I could ramble on and on about Adam (I adore him). But I will spare you.
Give us a shout here at theDogWorks and we'll hook you up with Tracey & ADAM!
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